
I think most of San Diego was at the park, but we still enjoyed ourselves, even with all the crowds. The Fleet has a fun exhibit on color.


Connor had a blast playing travel baseball for the first time, and he can’t wait to start back up again in the new year.


Some phone shots from our last trip to Six Flags Magic Mountain before our passes expire.


All the lights were beautiful. The platypus was very active, who was fun to watch.


I guess the boys behaved well enough, because Santa made his visit.

In the evening, we had Christmas Dinner with the Loera clan. Some phone shots:

The boys opening their big present:


We visited the Peace Arch on our way to Vancouver, Canada and then walked around downtown after getting settled in our hotel.


We spent the day exploring the entire downtown area on foot, from China Town in the south, Canada Place in the west, the Lost Lagoon in the north, and Inukshuk in the south.

The rain held off for the most part. All the walking really worked up our appetite for some delicious Thai food for dinner.


We visited Stanley Park to take a look at the totem poles on the way out of Vancouver. Then we had a beautiful drive up to Whistler.

It didn’t snow on us up in the mountains, but rained instead. We couldn’t actually see the mountains towering over us, because of the clouds. The boys had fun sliding down some snow near the lifts.


We stopped by Seattle on our way from Canada back to Portland. After looking around the Olympic Sculpture Park, we went and visited the Space Needle.

At midnight, the boys and their cousins rang in the New Year with pots and pans.

Ringing in the New Year: