
Every month the local Home Depot puts on a free kids workshop to build a project. This was the first one we had attended and the boys got to build toolboxes. Connor especially enjoys building but both boys had a good time hammering and painting.


Roughly once a month Turtleback gives out special awards to students from each class who represent the “Character Pillars” they try to teach the children. This month’s pillar was “Responsibility” and Gavin won the award for his class! At a school wide morning assembly he got to pick up his award in front of all his peers.


We headed to the Fleet Science Center to explore optical illusions and walk though a new interactive exhibit about Sherlock Holmes.


I was lucky enough to get to take in the crafting chaos during Connor’s Valentine’s Day party, before having to head to work. The kiddos spread around a lot of love.

Craft stations:

Spreading the love:


The boys always enjoy Family Sunday at the Mingei International Museum. This month’s craft was wooden peg dolls. After creating their little wooden people, the boys explored the museum while doing the treasure hunt.


It had been several years since we visited Disneyland, so we decided to take advantage of the Southern California deal this year. As expected, there were way too many people at Disneyland, but there just isn’t a more magical place to visit.

We happened to visit the same day as one of Connor’s best kindergarten buddies. My monkeys, Connor’s buddy Sofia, and her big brother Diego all had a blast meeting up with each other outside of the classroom.


We made the trip up to Bakersfield to meet up with my brother Nick and his wife Jessie. They flew in from New York to visit family up and down the West Coast.

Grandma enjoyed seeing my boys, along with everyone else. She is having a rough time, having broken her hip and having the mind of a 95 year old. We all love her very much and hope she gets better.


We were up bright and early for the 4S Ranch Little League opening day celebration. The boys enjoyed the airplane flyover and the team parade.


I boys got to have some fun building at Home Depot, in between the Little League opening day celebration and their first games.


Connor had a blast during his first t-ball game ever!

He played great out in the field and did well hitting off the tee. He even took a ball off the chest while playing 2nd, picked it up like nothing happened, and threw to first. He is tough stuff and acted like getting hit by the ball was no big deal.

He played so well that he was awarded the game ball by his coach! A great start to the season.



The boys had a blast running around the CSU San Marcos campus learning about science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). They ASCII encoded their initials into a bracelet, launched air powered rockets, saw science demonstrations, and learned about first aid. Connor even got to hold a baby chick, which he loved!


Connor is really loving baseball!


Gavin was awarded his first place medal for his science fair project during the Friday Flag school assembly. It was both “dress crazy” day and St. Patrick’s Day, which explains the unique fashion choices you see in the photos. Congratulations again to Scientist Bub!
