
It has become a bit of a tradition for us to go to The Old Globe in Balboa Park and see the Dr Seuss Christmas tree. Afterwards, we spent the afternoon at the Fleet Science Center.


The “snow” they had to play with was more like crushed ice, and was packed with kids going crazy. Connor ended up taking an ice ball in the head, so we decided this wasn’t the best place to spend our time. Instead, we did some winter themed crafts, which the boys enjoyed much better.


The boys had the day off of school, so I took a day off as well and we decided to drive up the southern California coast.

After stopping by the Dana Point harbor, we ended up driving north to Crystal Cove State Park, which is just past Laguna Beach. We all had fun exploring the tide pools and throwing around the baseball.


Hammering and painting at the local Home Depot.


Connor and some of his buddies celebrating the 100th day of school with some crazy shirts. Connor had 100 robots stamped on his shirt… which took him and Aliciana quite some time to create.


The Little League season has begun. Connor has moved up to the single A level this year. He is on the Padres again, with the same coaches as his t-ball team, and with many of the players from last season.

Gavin is in AA again this season. This season, all the AA teams are named after Minor League teams. Gavin is on the Scrappers, with a cool bulldog logo. Even though the season just started, he already had a scrimmage versus another team.


Looking for sea life and pestering hermit crabs at the tide pools in Cabrillo National Monument.


I was on hand to help out at Connor’s Valentine’s Day party in Mrs Dastrup’s class. I also stopped in to say hi to Gavin, who was in the classroom across the hall.


Connor and the rest of the Single-A Padres had a scrimmage verses the Mets. He had a good game, getting 3 hits!


The boys had the day off of school (actually, the get off all week), so I took the day off too. We ended up going to the Zoo, and hung out most of the time in the Africa Rocks section.


The boys and I had never been to Universal Studios, so when I saw that AAA had a good deal on season passes, I decided it was time to check it out. We ended up going for today and staying the night to go again tomorrow.

We hit most the rides during a long and exhausting day. We also went on the studio tour, where you took a tram around various movie sets.

Hogsmeade, which is the Harry Potter portion of the park, was our favorite area. I started reading to books to the boys a few months ago, so it was awesome seeing the books come to life around us.


We spent most the day catching shows we didn’t see yesterday: The Waterworld, Movie Effects, and Animal Actors shows. We also ate our lunch in Hogsmeade, which is where I took all the photos for the day.


The rain managed to hold off long enough for the Little League opening day ceremonies to take place in the morning. Tony Gwynn Jr. gave the opening day remarks and all the teams got to parade around the field.

Connor was supposed to have his first game, but the rain started in the afternoon and didn’t stop. So, his game was rained out.


Connor had fun during his first game, playing the Dodgers. The Single A level is tough on all the boys who moved up from tee-ball, because they have to get use to hitting off of a pitching machine.

Gavin’s game wasn’t until the evening, so I didn’t get any photos. He had a great game, crushing a double and getting 3 strike-outs during 1 and 2/3rds innings pitched.


Connor got to play catcher today in his game. He was excited to put on the battle armor.

Gavin had a game as well, but it was too late to get good photos. Plus, I was busy being score keeper for the game.