Christmas Eve With The Ladd Clan
We spent the first half of our Christmas break in Bakersfield. My brother and Jessie flew out from New York as well. We all stayed with Grandma so it was a nice and cozy full house. The boys had a blast playing with their uncle and aunt.
Hiking Cowles Mountain
The boys made a good effort but only made it half way up Cowles Mountain. Aliciana would have made it to the summit but she was busy carrying Connor most of the way. So, I was the only one to make it all the way to the top.
Happiest Place On Earth
It’s dangerous to the wallet to have Disneyland less than 1½ hours away. Luckily, they were running a pretty good deal for Southern Californian residences. 3 trips for $159 per person (and Connor is free)… still expensive but not 2nd mortgage expensive.
Science Fair Project
Gavin wanted to do the science fair this year at his school. Kindergartners weren’t required to make a project but he has always been interested in science.
Gavin did the project himself with just minimal help from us with typing up the data and taking photos. He ended up getting an honorable mention (3rd place for his grade level)!