Aliciana took some photos of Gavin and the kids in his first grade class wearing their pajamas to school.
Gavin wanted to be his favorite food for Halloween… a slice of pizza. Connor was his favorite super hero, Iron Man.
Aliciana took the photos at school. I took the last 4 later in the evening before they went trick-or-treating with their cousins down at their grandparents’ house.
Thanksgiving Dinner
My parents, little brother, and little sister came down from Portland, OR to Bakersfield for the Thanksgiving weekend. Lots of the Ladd clan and my aunt’s side of the family got together at my aunt and uncle’s house for a giant Thanksgiving feast.
Snoopy On Ice
We went up to Knott’s Berry Farm to check out all the Christmas festivities and see Snoopy On Ice. The show was very entertaining and the boys loved all the rides, as usual.
Christmas Eve
The family and I spent part of the Christmas holiday in Bakersfield. We finished our trip at the traditional Christmas Eve party at my Uncle Steve’s house.
We got on the road after the party for a very scary trip back to San Diego. The fog was horrible going up the ‘Grapevine’ with visibility dropping to a few feet. It was like that most of the way until we dropped back down in Castaic.
Christmas Day
The boys opened presents at our house in the morning, and their Grandma and Grandpa Loera’s house in the afternoon. They were spoiled by everyone, as usual.
Apex Fun Run
Aliciana took some photos while she was helping out at Gavin’s Apex Fun Run this year. I have a hard time believing any type of running could be fun but the kids seem to have had a good time.